I'm on my way!
Snart drar vi oss mot PITEÅ och PDOL! Bilen rullar före 4 idag!! Synd att inte Matilda kunde följa, men vi får försöka ha kul i alla fall, VI KOMMER SAKNAR DIG DÄR!!
Aja The ark och Veronica Maggio blir kul iallafall! Alkohol gör ju allt roligare iallafall. Sen blir det MASSA shopping också!! åååååh vad kul! :)
I may have your heart.
Drink up beautiful. I spiked your cup with angst and a heart attack, 'cause I've got so much trapped It's all because of you. So I figured you might like some back. And when I see her I'll tell her what's been on my mind
all these sleepless nights. She'll recite her excuses Put my tail between these legs of mine
like I do all the time. I can't live my life knowing you'll be in his arms each time I blink my eyes. Know what goes on behind my back every night, afraid I'll never leave, afraid I'll never know what's good for me. And when I see her I'll tell her what's been on my mind all these sleepless nights. She'll recite her excuses Put my tail between these legs of mine like I do all the time. And now you say that, you say you love me. Well I may have your heart, he has your body. And now you swear that you're being honest, but you're not honest, and you never could be.And when I see her I'll tell her what's been on my mind all these sleepless nights. She'll recite her excuses Put my tail between these legs of mine like I do all the time.
My next fuck up!
I spent some time in a bad place at 18 Wishing I could see something through clear eyes Do you ever wake up to realize That your life is meaningless? Does it give you strength or lead you to Your grave at a young
age? Pound my knuckles hard against the floor My head against the wall But I did this to myself Assume it's just
not worth getting back up So I'll blame it on bad luck And I'll shake responsibility It seems that when
I ran away from my past All my dignity, my faith, my pride got left back And now I think it's time that I realize
Self pity's meaningless Though I'm 10 feet deep I'll claw my way back out from in my grave Pound my knuckles hard against the floor My head against the wall But I did this to myselfAssume it's just not worth getting back up
So I'll blame it on bad luckAnd I'll shake responsibility And say a hard life did this to me
Now I realize, I'd give anything I have To walk a day in my old shoes Wondering what my first smoke
would be like My first fuck, my next fuck up Or the next band that would change my lifeAnd it changed my life
Pound my knuckles hard against the floor My head against the wall But I did this to myself
Assume it's just not worth getting back up So I'll blame it on bad luck And I'll shake
responsibility And say a hard life did this to me
This place is about to BLOW!
Now the heartbeat slows to a heartless crawl
haha! jag beställde just lila och blått löshår, Bara slingor men ändå haha impuls köp nr 9987723456987654 sen jag fick min lön! Fick antagningsbesked från Högskolan igår... Jag kom in på KTH på byggingejör. Måste dock tacka NEJ!! Orkar inte börja plugga än.. tyvärr betyder det att jag måste stanna i Kiruna fram tills nästa höst, känns lite jobbigt måste jag erkänna. Jaja det får väl bli så då.
Imorgon ska jag iallafall heja fram Damlandslaget till en bronsmedalj. Det tycker jag alla andra också ska göra.
It's getting cold. Thought it was too soon to tell but it was terribly old and as the heartbeat slows to a heartless crawl. The lights went out, The lights went out and darkness filled the houseon tiring night under a
Long Island sky. I thought I'd known the consequence, but sweetness, can you believe this? Mess we've made of it. This mess we've made of it. In years to come it might make sense, but sweetness, can you believe this?
This what's become of it? What's become of it If you hear this and you think you're ready,
then meet me in Montauk where we'll write out in the sand, "Here lies the destiny of 2 hurt souls afraid to be cured again." That could be our epitaph. I thought I'd known the consequence, but sweetness, can you believe this? Mess we've made of it. This mess we've made of it. In years to come it might make
sense, but sweetness, can you believe this? This what's become of it?
What's become of it?
Taking out my freak tonight!